Do you remember the nursery rhyme a tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket? It was put into a jazz song by Ella Fitzgerald in the late 1930's and popped up in a variety of movies throughout the 1940's.
I remember singing it as a child as I skipped and played with my sister and cousins. In my young mind I placed the melody with Easter. I remember having a very large, (by the eyes of a 4 year old), green and yellow Easter basket.

Waking early on Easter morning, peeking for a hidden egg or two as I raced to the dining room where my empty basket sat before my bedtime hours. What would I find? The smell of sugar candies and chocolate guided me; as an olfactory memory was being planted deep in my adolescent brain.
The center of attention was a hollow chocolate egg with my name written across the center, propped open and over flowing with jelly beans, brightly colored marshmallow eggs, and little humming bird candy eggs, a small toy; so much to take in. Oh, the magic of the moment!
The smell of sugar, the excitement of an egg hunt, but the big event was yet to come.
Tight curlers were unrolled to reveal a mass of waves, matched by layers of ruffles on my white slip. Dressed for Spring in colors that rivaled the flowers, careful adjustment of bows were made by Mom. My patent leather shoes were polished by Dad and waiting until the final moment before leaving to be placed on my feet. First, my bonnet, gloves and jacket had to be placed carefully over my fluffiness; as not to wrinkle or flatten any puffs! Then repeat for my sister. How did we ever make it to church on time?
A few photos to spark some Easter memories:
Sweet Easter morning!

Lovely vintage Easter items!

Hats off to this Easter Bonnet!

What? Dye your eggs, whiten your teeth and have some Gin...
Nothing says Easter like ads from the 1950's!

My Grandmother loved these West Germany paper candy boxes!

Oh my, probably why some people don't celebrate Easter.

Share your memories in my comment box, I would love to hear from you!
Until next time,
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